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How You Can Automate Site-to-Office Communication?
On December 09, 2020 By Iesh Dixit

The Need for Construction Automation

The number of nuclear families has been increasing with time. Be it due to globalization or rapid urbanization, the main concern is that it is increasing. The increase in per-capita income is also one of the main players in this growing demand for real estate. It accounts for all the sectors -; corporate, public, and retail. This drive is boosting the growth of real estate.

The real estate industry was worth US$ 6.26 billion (roughly Rs. 43,800 Crore) in 2019, it is projected to rise close to US$ 1 trillion by the end of 2030. That leads to the theory that with an increase in demand, there will be considerable response in the supply, and it will increase the demand in resources and workforce more than ever. The need for infrastructural development is at an all-time high in sectors such as healthcare, commercial, and logistics.

The Indian Government has made several sanctions and released bills supporting the increasing demand for development in the real estate sector. With over 100 smart city projects in the pipeline, wheels are going to turn for infrastructural improvement. The Government's housing project aims to release funds worth US$ 1 trillion in various forms, all to generate more jobs that will ensure a stable livelihood and stable economic growth with time. It has been predicted that more than 70% of GDP growth would be solely responsible for real estate in the coming years, as estimated by Maier Vidorno in their research.

The current problems in the construction industry

An increase in development projects and construction sites would increase jobs and foster collective growth in the economy. Companies are confident and excited about their future by creating more buildings and facilities. The big giants employ their resources to the job, and they refer to SMEs for better functionality on local resources and issues. Things develop only with the collective growth of people, but there are only limited things that one company can handle before they get out of hand.

If you are building a house or are a professional developer, you should know what is best for your construction site in terms of material, location, and supplies. Managing them is a hassle, but in the end, it would all be worthwhile when things pan out. The final stage is when the image on the chart is breathed into a structure. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, many unaccounted factors require attention in construction management.

Numerous factors matter and dominate the construction of a property. Big or small scale, both requires proper planning of resources and investment to make sure nothing goes overboard or over budget. It needs skill to tackle all these situations and requires management supervisors to maintain the needed clarity, keeping everyone's needs in mind, along with maintaining the order in progress.

Here, some problems arise with time. Processes that need to be adapted and improved always get delayed due to a lack of coordination between co-workers or other suppliers. Managing things is an uncertainty, and planning is done on a trial and error basis creating a factor of liability.

For instance, construction plans are laid out, and for some reason, the crane is not present on the site, but the dump trucks are present. This lays out extra man-hours required for dump trucks and the crane. Pick another situation; while on a schedule, the machines, equipment, and workforce are available, but the cement consignment which was expected to reach is still in transit due to a purchase order that still requires clearance.

These scenarios are just a representation of delay caused due to mismanagement and less coordination between workers.

With immense demand for development in the backdrop, there must be an alternative that breaks the bridge between productivity and connectivity. Other unimaginable scenarios could hamper productivity and affect the growth of the system. This needs a solution that could help cater to the needs of today and tomorrow.

The solution for these underlying construction problems

Automation has already influenced the path of the automotive sector, and within the next decade, vehicle systems will be operated on a semi-autonomous to fully-autonomous level. And the same level of sophistication can be provided to real estate creating endless possibilities.

Powerplay OS is a mobile app ecosystem that bridges the gap of productivity and connectivity to manage construction and architectural projects; it will be as recognized as construction automation.

The application will keep track of all the resources and manpower that are invested in a project. It creates a network of all the essential members' Engineers, quality control, storekeepers, and Architects. This seamless network will ensure that all of them are involved, connected, and informed of every change on the site.


Powerplay OS is a mobile construction app with an easy-to-use interface, and it operates even on a bad network connection. This feature ensures that no one misses out and is constantly in touch with the project report of a construction site. The automated software keeps constant updates of the resources, vendors, material, and all the information just a click away.

Powerplay OS keeps information stored online for better accessibility by handling and providing live task updates, as scheduled on the mainframe.


Site Teams:

All the site teams involved in construction planning and site layout would benefit from getting live task updates. This would increase their productivity and also avoid any time and resource wastage. The app shares the timeline of work, list, and the checklist as mentioned earlier -

  • Managing material requests, the user can post a request and get to know about that particular request's status. Material handling allows the site teams to have authorization over each material consignment, which would be handled under each person, ensuring accountability for materials.
  • The material inward notes, feature would guide the site workers, as a labeling system specifying the location or instruction on where and how to rest the material, avoiding any miscommunication between them. This avoids hampering resources and keeps orders in the budget.
  • Goods receiving notes, ensures that a secure chain of the network is created.; tThe notes would be authorized by the members enlisted on the mobile application. Creating a situation that can hold accountable in case of mismanagement.
  • It would easily display all the issues encountered by the system.

Office Teams

  • The construction software is proficient at storing all the purchase orders and material requests uploaded into the mainframe.
  • The back office would have a list of all the received invoices on-site, eliminating the risk of losing the paper trail while moving up the chain from supplier to office.
  • The software would run a diagnosis and provide a daily progress report to live display of task updates.
  • It would easily display all the issues encountered by the system.
  • The software creates a framework that enables purchase order automation. This feature helps automate the process where the system cross-references the current storage of materials and generates purchase orders in case of shortage, eliminating the need for human intervention.


  • The software can calculate finances and generate a portfolio of the construction project's financial performances.
  • This software provides ease of accessibility for construction vendors to examine all the proceedings in the construction site closely. This provides the option to remotely control and release plans for the site teams to follow, maintaining a sense of systematic hierarchy through the automated system application.
  • It provides the users to estimate future costs that people might have to incur by cross-referencing site plans and pending purchase invoices, causing further delay.
  • The software system is fully automated to help calculate the project material and labor requirements to avoid wastage of financial resources.
  • It easily displays all the issues encountered by the system.

The Powerplay OS application’s software features project report automation that provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of all the developments, orders, decisions, and much more taken by the site officers and office management.

All the details are updated daily on the system mainframe with automation and displayed on the project report automation section.

These features eliminate the need for contacting other peers and associates of the plant and stay connected with all, providing better functionality.

The Powerplay OS application provides a platform that will replace the current traditional system with a construction software capable of maintaining a record of all the activities and providing simulations based on the material requirements of the site and much more. The application has been tried and tested on real projects, be it commercial, interior design, or residential.

The simulations run by the application software helps to estimate the amount of time, money, and resources required for an interior architecture project. This saves resources on all fronts and helps predict and finish a project on time. To meet the demands, the companies are always on the lookout for products that can enhance their productivity and provide a solution that would prove cost-effective.

Key features addressed

  • Work progress - Each minute development would be scanned and updated through project report automation.
  • Latest site photos - To ensure the viability of the developments, the latest photos are uploaded to maintain quality, proving as an excellent solution for interior architecture and issues associated with it.
  • Worker attendance - This eliminates the need for micro monitoring of task forces and keeps track of all the people present on the construction site. The feature keeps track of overtime to avoid worker conflicts.
  • Material requests - As included above, the requests are generated by scanning every resource available for disposal and creating a list of upcoming requirements.
  • Material inward - Introducing a labeling system to mark all the resources and create a tracking system for materials.
  • Tracking Invoice - The automated system will create invoices with its intelligent scanning capabilities and keep a record of all invoices.
  • Generate progress report - This report will have the target details achieved and track the progress based on the estimated time-frame.
  • Budget consumption - The invoices and material requests are monitored and handled to avoid splurging and maintaining budget control.
  • Grievance center - This feature records all complaints and suggestions by any associate of the construction site.
  • Issues - The automated system will suggest and attempt to solve all the issues under authority supervision.
  • Key highlights of the project - The system will generate highlights of the project that puts the best side of the project in the spotlight.
  • Request for information - It is a request laid down by businesses to collect information about the suppliers' various capabilities.


The charges for the next-gen application are priced at flexible monthly payment system. This proves as a viable option for the companies. The services are offered as a subscription to ensure full customer satisfaction and validation. The team provides a free demo trial to give a comprehensive overview of the system.

The charges would depend on the number of projects needed to automate and the scale of the project.

In Conclusion

To support the Government's plans and cater to the needs of the public, there is a need for an upgrade that ensures development does not stop. The Powerplay OS is the best alternative to the underlying problem of the real estate industry. While it is clear that it is a solution that will help shape the future of construction methods, it is quite cost-effective for its services, all the possibilities in a single mobile application.