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Best Construction App for Site Management in 2022
On March 19, 2022 By Kumar Abhishek Anand

Today, civil engineering apps are available for the operations of almost any project or site, and more and more software systems are being developed to support the construction industry in more diverse ways. The speed achieved when running the project process through these civil engineering apps is much faster than the manual methods.

Site management apps play a vital role in ensuring that projects are on track and that owners and project managers can track project status more efficiently, quickly, and even remotely. The cloud storage features provided by these apps provide a digital repository of all project information and updates that stakeholders can access in real-time to perform and monitor other activities.

There are many construction site management applications around the world that meet the needs of project site management. From the list of apps available in India for construction projects, the Powerplay app is currently the best project site management application that can help project managers, employees and other stakeholders manage construction projects easily and effectively.

Best Site Management Software in 2022 - Powerplay App

Powerplay is India's first project management app tailored specifically for the construction industry. It has everything users need to manage all aspects of a construction project and provides onsite access to update information in real-time. It integrates with other messaging applications like WhatsApp to inform each employee about their work obligations and mistakes.

Powerplay's mission is to empower workers in construction with technology to accelerate Indian infrastructure development, by providing better and varied choices through their application to monitor, track and manage project sites conveniently.

Powerplay App Features

Construction sites in India are one of the most disorganized industrial workplaces that recognize delays as an inevitable part of the project implementation process. The Powerplay app provides construction professionals with many app-specific features to meet all construction-related management needs.

Given a large number of project processes and complex project structural plans at construction sites in India, it is necessary to use efficient construction management methods. Powerplay has succeeded in integrating all construction management functions that help simplify the project process at every small level.

The features that make the Powerplay app a go-to solution for construction professionals to manage project sites can be categorized into:

  • Addition of Unlimited Project Sites

  • Addition of Construction Specific operations

  • Addition of Team members for every operation

  • Chat Section for operations discussion

  • Material Management

  • Site Attendance

  • Interactive Project Feed

  • Raise Issues

  • Photo Updates

  • Quick Reports

01 - Addition of Unlimited Project Sites

Powerplay allows users to add an unlimited number of project sites and manage them based on their work portfolio at the same time. Construction companies and contractors can use this feature to conveniently monitor different project sites through the Powerplay app.

Each project site section lists project-specific activities in a sequence, with their progress status highlighted next to them and there are also separate sections that list the activities as per their status whether they have not yet been started or are in progress or are delayed, or are completed.

There is a filter option that allows the user to see only the information they desire or need to see. Users can track specific activities, search for tasks assigned to specific employees, and find information via tags, all of these use filter options.

02 - Addition of Construction Specific operations

Users can add project tasks specific to the project type on each project site page in the Powerplay app. They can also define units for each operation, record the amount of work done, and track the progress of the task. Each of these project activities can contain start and end dates, as well as specific tags or comments to highlight certain points.

Each project activity can be categorised under a specific construction area such as surveying, budgeting, designing, landscaping, formwork, masonry, etc. Managers can assign the created project activity to a specific person or group of people to complete the activity.

The Powerplay app helps users track the progress of the assigned tasks and update their status through the photos uploaded to the app. Each project activity has its timeline that includes step-by-step completion of the task and provides accurate ideas for the progress of the task.

03 - Addition of Team members for every operation

For every project activity, the manager can add team members working on that specific task to collaborate more efficiently through the ‘Team’ option provided at the bottom of the project site page on the Powerplay app. Each team member can be assigned specific jobs or issues related to the quality of the work through the app.

The team admin has the freedom to add or delete members from the task team.

04 - Chat Section for Project Discussions

One of the most important and productive features of the Powerplay app is the chat section which allows project employees to interact with each other at different levels. Team members can chat in private groups for each project activity to discuss project-related issues and jobs. Each team member can assign tasks and raise issues to other team members through the chat section provided on their task page.

Users can also use the chat option to connect to other employees or teams apart from the work task group through the universal chat button provided on the start page of the Powerplay app. Users can also create groups to discuss project-related issues or other technical data with each other.

05 - Material Management

For every project site page on the Powerplay app, there is a ‘Material’ option provided at the bottom of the page that assists project managers and contractors with not only managing the quantity and checking the quality of materials but also with ordering more materials as and when required.

All the materials being used throughout the project site are listed in the materials section. The quantity of materials being used and added on-site along with their quality check can be updated from this section. For ordering more materials for project operations, employees can put in requests in the materials section.

06 - Site Attendance

The ‘Attendance’ option can be found in the ‘More’ option located at the bottom right of the project site page in the Powerplay app. The attendance feature can be used to record the daily attendance of all employees working on the project site. The app allows users to record if the employees are skilled or unskilled, male or female, and their number of working hours with wages.

The Powerplay app allows you to add an unlimited number of labours with their names to improve transparency and handling of the workforce. On top of that half days can also be recorded by just clicking an ‘H’ button provided next to the name of the labour.

07 - Interactive Project Feed

In the ‘More’ option itself, there exists a ‘Feed’ section that displays all the project progress information set in chronological order with the top feed being the latest update. The feed can be treated as a dashboard that highlights whatever has taken place on the project site or overall project progress from the start of the project.

Teams and employees can update tasks progress and resolve issues from the feeds page without having to go to the task section. The materials requested are also shown on the feed page along with options to chat about the material, alter quantities and imputed expected dates.

08 - Raise Issues

Issues related to project progress and other requirements can be updated from the Tasks page or the ‘More’ option at the bottom of the Powerplay app's project site page. This issue can be addressed if a fix is ​​needed or if there is an issue that may occur as a result of a particular action.

After a problem is reported, the project manager can click the ‘follow up’ button to assign an individual to update the status of the problem regardless of whether the problem has been resolved. After the manager is satisfied with the solution provided for the problem, it can be marked as resolved.

09 - Photo Updates

Powerplay gives you the freedom to upload as many photos as you wish on the app to give a clearer understanding of what is happening on site. For every small milestone achieved or snag encountered, users can upload relevant photos that could describe the situation in more detail without the need for long explanations.

Users can also attach colours related to the photos signifying the level of urgency or seriousness of the issue. The colour code can be defined differently specific to organisations or construction projects.

10 - Quick Reports

Reports are the lifeline for any construction project without which the project is prone to suffer frequent setbacks and mismanagement of project operations. The Powerplay app has a very cool feature to not only monitor project progress on a daily, weekly, fortnightly basis or from start to till date but also prepare Daily Project Reports(DPRs) in a matter of few minutes.

Users can also prepare DPRs for previous dates or time spans effortlessly and in a proper segregated format, highlighting each small detail necessary for tracking project progress. The app allows users to include the details as per their choice or need. For instance, the project managers can create DPRs including only material requests and send them to vendors for timely procurement.

The freedom and swiftness with which DPRs can be prepared on the Powerplay app are unmatched as per industry standards. The report can be easily shared through a link or via the direct ‘Share’ link or by downloading them in pdf format.

Given the variety of features offered by the Powerplay app on their mobile platform, users need not be worried about their phone storage being depleted with the countless docs, photos and site data as all of this information is stored in the cloud storage offered by the app itself. The maximum space occupied by the Powerplay app is nothing more than the app size and the specific cache data as per the user. The app automatically stores all information on its cloud servers from where users can access and upload project information seamlessly.